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  • Writer's pictureJ.C.V Rabbitry

Rabbitry First Aid Kit

Updated: Jun 8, 2023

It is important to every Rabbitry wither big or small to have the proper first aid kit in case something goes wrong. In this class I am going to go over what I always have on hand and why. JCV RABBITRY WILL NOT TAKE LIABLITY FOR ANYTHIG THAT GOES WRONG IN YOUR RABBITRY.

Lets get started!

There are things that breeders need to keep and things that pet owners need to keep. I am first going to go over what the breeder needs.

I will state in my caption if a pet fancier should but the certain product as well as the breeder.

  1. Vetericyn Plus Antimicrobial Pet Wound & Skin Care Spray This stuff works wonders! The pet facer should buy this it helps keep swelling and infection away if small cuts, wounds and skin irritations. Its shelf life is amazing as well! I have used this on deep cuts and small skin problems, it has never failed me. You can also use it on sore hocks and pressure sores. I would recommend getting the gel for that but the spray will work if necessary.

Styptic powder is very useful for cutting nails if you cut to far, no worries just put some powder on and it immediately stops the bleeding! The pet fancier and breeder should have this on-hand.

This something only a breeder needs. You need this for when a doe isn't giving birth (passed day 35) or when she is trying to pas a stuck kit. TUMS it high in calcium and gives the rabbit a boost, also cause contractions in rabbits. The dosage for small breeds is 250mg, so if you buy the 750mg tablet like me, you will have to break it into 4 pieces and shove one piece in her cheek.

This is something only a breeder needs (unless you guy a rabbit that comes with mites)... I personally like to buy it in store at a farm and feed place. But the linked word "Noromectin" will take you to a eBay site. This you will use to treat mites, and you DONT eject it you just need a needle to get the liquid out of the sterile container and drip it on you rabbits back between the shoulders, similar to dogs flee and tick treatments. I am soon to try Revolution for Puppies and Kittens and I will put an updated opinion on which I like better soon!

This is something only a breeder needs in his first aid package, Vaseline is used for does who are having trouble passing a kit. All you do is put some of it up the rabbits vent.

All these things are necessary for cleaning wounds/ears/vents and stopping bleeding.

This used for treating ear mites. You get a Q-tip and gently clean the ear DO NOT GO DEEP INTO THE EAR CANAL!! Not needed for pet people unless your rabbit comes with ear mites.

Small Oral and Sub-Q Syringes:

This is needed for fostering kits with milk replacer and for caring for older rabbits who will not eat for whatever reason. 10cc/ml is generally a good size. Also having Sub-Q for administering Oxytocin is wise for breeders. Both breeder and pet fancier should have this on-hand.

The Kit milk replacer should be KMR (kitten milk replacer) with 1 Tbsp. of 100% heavy cream added to each can of KMR. Breeders need both things and pet people only need baby food.

The baby food is used when you have a critically hurt or sick rabbit.

You need these in you barn anyway but they will come in hand if you bun needs a nail clipped immediately.

To gently wash the eye with a sterile gauze pad. Breeders and pet people need these.

These will help keep your rabbits digestion moving and healthy. Usually you feed the once a week as a preventive. Breeders and pet people need these.

Cold Packs and Heating Pads:

Cold packs for a over heating rabbit and heating packs for treating mastitis, hypothermia and warming cold/frozen babies. Breeders and pet people need these.

For ear infection, use as directed on bottle.

Critical Care: For rabbits that are struggling with eating or have diarrhea.

Toltrazuril 5% Oral Suspension for Coccidiosis This is super fast acting on Coccidiosis and also works as a every 6 month preventative if your showing. Corid A good safe and gentle preventative for Coccidiosis. IMPORTANT: You mush make a fresh batch of the water solution for your rabbits each day for the duration of treatment (see bottle).

I also keep a verity of herbs around for my rabbits I will make a list here:

  • Red raspberry + Nettle 50/50 to sprinkle on pregnant does food.

  • Lavender + Blue Cohosh for does having trouble birthing. Make into a tea and use instead of water.

  • Peppermint for drying milk in does.

  • Chamomile tea for eye washes.

Thanks for reading I hope this was helpful for you all!


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